/ nossa atenção muda tudo
Client: Novartis
Agency: Edelman Brazil
My Role: Creative Concept and Copy and Art Direction
Agency: Edelman Brazil
My Role: Creative Concept and Copy and Art Direction
Even though it is one of the most common forms, advanced breast cancer has not had any treatment updates in the SUS for almost twenty years, and with the Coronavirus pandemic, there has been a drop of at least 45% in mammograms. Novartis' #NossaAtençãoMudaTudo campaign took advantage of the International Day of Struggle for Women's Health to talk to and about women living with the metastatic form of the disease, mobilizing society to reduce the disparities between the public and private systems.
With a series of digital activations and a phygital experience in Brasília, we engaged the public in extending SUS coverage so that all women can access modern therapies that offer a longer lifespan.
With a series of digital activations and a phygital experience in Brasília, we engaged the public in extending SUS coverage so that all women can access modern therapies that offer a longer lifespan.